
Saturday, December 13, 2003

The Morningside Apartments in Charlotte is producing this blog in order to better serve our community. Watch for updates and specials on this page.

Charlotte, and North Carolina are among the most desirable locations in America today. And now you can become a part of this vibrant community. Morningside is not only a very affordable way to live in these tight economic times...it offers a better proximity to the nerve center of Charlotte than most other apartments in Charlotte. Some people choose Morningside as a place to begin their journey, only to find that a better deal is not to be found. Some become active members in Morningside-Commonwealth Association, and enjoy the fruits of helping to make our community an even better place to live.

Morningside is nestled within the historic Plaza-Midwood neighborhood of Charlotte, between Central and Commonwealth Avenue (north and south), and between Veteran's Park and Morningside Drive (west and east)...and yes, there are plenty of those big oak trees that Charlotte is so famous for...all around the apartments and the adjacent park.

There are plenty of places to shop, whether it be for groceries, used books (best in the city!), fast food, slow food, hard-to-find CDs, LPs and such, and a host of other things including very affordable furniture for decorating your new home. They also deliver.

The wondrous NODA Arts district is also close by, and we would invite patrons (and matrons)...as well as the artists themselves to come take a look at our historic little community to the south. Just a slide up Matheson Ave, around the Country Club...and you're practically here!

Elizabeth Stanleyville is also just a few blocks away. She is way cool. Need to bring back Stanley's though. On second thought, the new (well, relatively) tenant, VisArt Videos is a real treasure chest for hard-to-find film, videos, and DVDs. They have also sponsored the Charlotte Film Society. As a former student of film, I can attest that VisArt is, by far, the best in Charlotte. And you can walk there from here...perhaps on your way to the Community College.

Central Piedmont is consistently voted one of the best in the nation, and for good reason. If not walking...biking distance.

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