
Sunday, March 14, 2004

Spring flowers arrive at Morningside! 

Only days after the biggest snow storm in years, and a park full of people enjoying the sledding that has made our hills famous...the warm sun emerged, bringing flowers and springtime in its wake. And everyday seems to awaken yet another of our flowery wonders.

But along with the flowers, come the lions of March; the winds. And last week saw us with some of our citizens having to endure the ravages of wind, as power was knocked out for several hours. In all, more than 200,000 people in Mecklenburg County shared our quiet sabattical from the power grid.

A few days earlier, a failure at a substation brought temporary darkness and quietude to many in the Morningside/Plaza-Midwood area. Fortunately this incident was easier to tame, and bright modernity was returned to our fair community, in a but a few hours.

As warmer temperatures return, so will the festive jocularity that betrays the true character of our community. So get out! Enjoy the changes!

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